The Observer has a half-life of six years: Tortoise deal is best option for brand and staff
Media analyst and former executive Jim Chisholm says Guardian journalists are wrong to strike over Observer sale.
Fighting for quality news media in the digital age.
Jim Chisholm has 40 years experience in news media as an analyst, executive and adviser.
Media analyst and former executive Jim Chisholm says Guardian journalists are wrong to strike over Observer sale.
By Jim ChisholmFuture is bright for news publishers if they can take back control of their content from tech platforms.
By Jim ChisholmAt first sight, the European directive: “General Data Protection Regulation” seems a massive constraint on all digital interaction and transaction.…
By Jim ChisholmThis chart for the UK indexes the relative shares of left and right wing newspapers over the last thirty…
By Jim ChisholmThanks for subscribing.